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The recent death threats against Tesla billionaire Elon Musk have shocked the world

    The recent death threats against Tesla billionaire Elon Musk have shocked the world, the big question being who wants Elon Musk to die. And why and what would killing Elon Musk mean for world peace.

    Elon Musk says that everything has a time and a time and a time to die although some people die before their time. If Elon were to die, he is a perfect example of a man who He could have died before his time.

    He is just 50 years old, while the average lifespan in the US is about 79 years, the difference of 29 years being huge anyway. Elon is not dying of natural causes because he enjoys the best health as the richest man in the world.

    Plus he has access to the best security in the world, even amongst all. In Elon has just revealed that his life is in danger in a tweet that read: “Good to know if I die under mysterious circumstances it’s hard to imagine the test of a billionaire to his fame and popularity.” Given how about to die under a mysterious circumstance.

    It’s almost impossible for him to die mysteriously, given that he’s always been surrounded by people, before we consider what prompted Elon Musk to tweet about the recent threats to his life.

    Let us take a look at some examples when death was knocking on their door. Tesla owner Elon Musk nearly died while just a teenager at the age of 17 after a boy was hit by a truck while he was riding a street motorcycle.

    Elon’s near-death experience with motorcycles explains why Tesla isn’t building an electric motorbike, but the EV maker is building an all-terrain vehicle ATV that can accommodate two people.

    The ATV is designed to work with a Tesla Cyber ​​truck, in a similar incident where the founder and CEO of Tesla nearly lost his life when he was involved in a road accident with another PayPal co-founder, Peter Thiel. The car accident could have killed both men and destroyed PayPal, the company that revolutionized e-commerce.

    Even before it started, YouTube Linkin Yelp gave birth to Tesla and SpaceX. But miraculously to no harm to Thiel and Elon Musk, they dusted themselves off and became hitchhikers to change Internet history.

    Elon has not only been involved in accidents but has also been attacked by some deadly diseases, the Tesla owner who almost died after contracting malaria after he contracted the disease.

    While he was in South Africa, although malaria is not so deadly, he almost died of the disease when he was found to be misdiagnosed.

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