If Elon Musk asks his employees to work, they should happily do so

If the richest man in the world asks you to do some work, he should do it happily, but why are people having trouble, Maye Musk had said, “My son is the richest man in the world, that’s why people are jealous of him.” “. ‘It seems that people have a problem with Elon Musk, but I have no problem, if I get a chance to work with Elon Musk, I will work from my heart.’

The Irish Times reported that an executive at Twitter said he has worked more than 75 hours a week since Elon Musk took over the company, resulting in a large number of staff layoffs.

Sinead McSweeney told a High Court in Ireland that her working hours have increased to more than 75 per week since the billionaire took office. McSweeney, who is Twitter’s global vice president for public policy, made a statement in court in a successful bid to prevent Twitter from firing her.

McSweeney claimed he didn’t resign, but he was banned from accessing company systems and granted an injunction earlier this month after receiving an exit offer. McSweeney said she did not respond to Musk’s midnight email to Twitter employees on November 16 asking employees to agree to an “extremely bigoted” culture by clicking yes to a form in the email, or His resignation will be accepted.

The vice president who works at Twitter said she regularly works more than 40 hours per week in accordance with her employment contract. company, but he took no issue with “putting my shoulder at the wheel”.

According to the report, Musk has given “mixed messages” to employees and is leading the organization in an unorthodox manner. He said the CEO fired and re-hired employees without any apparent rationale.

On October 27, “Chief Twit” cut nearly half of Twitter’s staff. After the November 16 email an ultimatum was issued to the remaining employees and 2,000 people quit and rejected his offer.

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