Elon Musk: Tesla Shares Sink, Wipe Out Over $125 Billion In Value, As Elon Musk Scores Twitter Deal

Elon Musk & Tesla

We’re going to talk about Elon Musk and Tesla today we’re going to talk about how finicky these markets can be and how honestly anyone would hold a title and ironically, that’s the trend right now and this Tesla The sink of shares is worth over $125 billion.

Musk scores twitter deal now guys let’s look at the facts properly one day tesla stock today tesla opened just below a thousand dollars and ended a little down 900 which today came out more than 12 percent and yes it is equal to 125 billion but this stock If you think about day five, it was already 15.

One month it was down about a percentage point but if you start looking at these charts right here one year up 24 five years up thirteen hundred percent and then your max 22, can you imagine buying a Tesla around there I know That there are some people in the comments section who are guaranteed to tell us that they did.

And I say etulation and it would have been even better if you bought with the money ok call option but let’s jump back into this so taking over twitter might be good for lone musk but it ain’t good for tesla shares Used to be. Twitter’s announcement comes a day after it accepted Elon Musk’s $44 billion takeover bid.

Way I could add or they would be prosecuted like crazy and destroyed in court by their shareholders for not taking uh good healthy generous offer. As Twitter is literally spreading from inside to outside.

They say their shares here fell 12.2 billion and exceeded the market value of electric vehicles by more than 125 billion. Now I want to clarify something. It makes a difference when you are reading information like this you can see that NPR is right NPR is a horribly terrible propaganda tool ok.

The good news is we’re just starting to call the tools let’s call them what they’re fine That’s a bad deal, but right on Twitter, Elon Musk is only going to help Tesla with his other ventures because he’s going to have more.

It’s essentially a platform to do free advertising for the right and that’s great and it’s going to bring a bunch of great people back to that platform, which I’m excited about because those great people got kicked out when So they’re the ones who bring in a lot of business and I’m really excited about that right now.


I’ll call it now MPR do you know their hype machine they are a bunch of tool bag tools in a tool bag and they want to do everything they can to hurt them but let’s just really get a spade a spade Say what you know now that you see Dow futures are up, but today the markets were absolutely bloodthirsty.

Still right once again and here they are going to try to stock it investors consider tuesday so futures is mixed the sharp loss of the fact that everyone was going down because the nasdaq was falling sp was falling and look at Nasdaq futures and SP futures they are still closing.

They’re coming down it even bond bonds you know a little down, they know interest rates have come down a little bit but nowhere compared to that with the volume out of stocks and in dollar indexes Shouldn’t have happened and it just tells you that people are afraid they believe the stock isn’t going to hold up for the long run.

Where they want to put money you know i mean if you see oil was up today gold was clearly not that much today but i want to call a spade a spade the facts are none of that Elon Musk Twitter’s purchase from Twitter had nothing to do with Tesla shares being down and if you think it did or didn’t do me a favor in the comments section.

I want to hear what you guys have to say that what’s unclear is how he’s going to come up with that money, you guys are a total tool, I mean it says right here when Musk announced That he has secured money to finance the transaction.

So he said he would 21 billion cover himself with banks, help them finance the other half. I love that Elon Musk knows what he’s doing. that article you just wanna try and trash this guy open free speech so let me see maybe don’t even say your name because you don’t have the guts no no no wait don’t wait david guerra on david there You put your name and your picture, I appreciate that you all know it in Ninja Nation.

I really appreciate when people leave a comment or something like that, their face says smiling picture of them saying I actually dared to say something instead of hiding behind stupid emoji or not even you know Because I think most loud people are silent and have no guts, no cajon.

I wanted to do this because I think it’s very important because what’s essentially happening by this type of media is what they want to do is they ant to hurt Elon Musk and they’re on a lawn And going to start slinging like crazy on a lawn.

What I want to give you is props to you for doing stuff like this to tandon k anymore and to be honest with you, you are probably making a killing in it, as well as the revenue maybe for advertisers as twitter. With jump back on the board to explode.

He’s not doing it for free let’s just be honest you don’t you can’t be a billionaire you know making dumb decisions you do it by making good let’s just call a spade a spade but i want to show you this Because that’s the kind of things you can be prepared to expect.

Quite frankly if they are successful in the short term and try and pull out completely you know tesla stock pretty well then this could be an opportunity to buy do i have tesla stock, i have I wish I mean you could imagine throwing ninjas.

About 2535 grand down here ooh that would be really cool do me a favor guys put in the comments section if you guys know the math off the top of your head if you buy thirty thousand dollars with one three dollars here And stock up on ninety cents how much it’s going to be worth now, right?


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