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Elon Musk says he’ll make his own smartphone if Apple bans Twitter

    Elon Musk says he'll make his own smartphone if Apple bans Twitter

    Elon Musk said that if his twitter is removed from apple or twitter has any problem then he will launch his tesla mobile and many people are very happy to hear it and soon it may be successful.

    Elon Musk ensures that he makes headlines for some reason or another and every day he attracts headlines and attention to his Tesla’s CEO through some announcements or controversial statements.

    According to his recent statement, Twitter chief Elon Musk said that he would consider creating an alternative phone in the incident that Twitter has been removed from the Apple App Store in Google Play Musk.

    Elon Musk replied, but yes if there is no other option, I will make an alternative phone, all of this is removed by Phil’s killer and apple partner.

    It is estimated that Twitter can be banned on material moderation issues from Google and Apple App Store. Do not follow guidelines. By providing users access to special features, it will be planned to charge eight dollars.

    In addition, in addition to the check mark, take a commission on the membership purchased on both Apple and Google, the Elon Musk alone criticized Apple and Google that they asked the Commission to charge it on the Internet and said that he said 10 times there.

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