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Elon Musk Is Building A NEW Huge Tunnel Under Las Vegas!

    Elon Musk Is Building A NEW Huge Tunnel Under Las Vegas!

    I think as we’ve bought, you know some secondhand machinery and it’s just kind of puttering along but it’s making good progress even though it’s a side project of musket the boring company making really good progress is doing and growing faster than we can ever imagine.

    It’s not slowing down. All the efforts so far are paying off positively in their attempt to build a mass transit service to augment their current Las Vegas Tunnel system as far as they can with their current capabilities and technology. Don’t test But the company is also facing its fair share of hurdles and criticisms.

    Let’s start with the good news I mean I’m not saying it’s going to be successful or you know I know it’s like claiming it’s going to be successful but so far I’m in LA I’ve lived here for 16 years and the traffic has always been horrendous. This was the driving force behind Musk’s decision to build the tunnel network, and so far it has been successful.

    Part of their underground car service is already operational and can take you from the Las Vegas Convention Center to any nearby hotel in a matter of minutes. Is inspired to do more and looks like she’s submitted the paperwork for one of her most ambitious yet.

    Projects starting with the convention center will extend the current tunnel system, which has been approved by city officials, under the Vegas Strip to the south and link together several hotels and casinos along the way, and while that project is complete Too far away, The Boring Company is already there then wants to expand. The company wants to double the size of that network and cover a much wider area of downtown, the new tunnel will increase the length to about 65 miles and link together 69 stations.

    It’s not possible with the technology they currently have, but you shouldn’t bet against a guy who is determined to get humanity back to the Moon in a few years, with a recent launch attempt going up in smoke. The Boring is determined to expand and build the network. Underground Travel The proposed 65-mile tunnel system would pass through the Las Vegas Strip and Central Las Vegas.

    When you look at this new map of the tunnel network, it looks like it will run from the southernmost point at the intersection of Blue Diamond Road and Las Vegas Boulevard, which is the last major intersection as you exit downtown, and the northernmost point in the city. Heading towards Los Angeles, the tunnel will run past the Vermont Street Experience pedestrian mall, meaning that this part of the original plan remains what it does.

    If the city approves this new expansion plan, it’s going to be so fast for the Las Vegas underground transportation system to get from point A to point B that each hotel and casino on the Vega Strip will get its own loop station and Will stop.

    It’s not just the hotels and casinos at the international airport that get to experience this new tunnel system, the network of tunnels reaches suburban areas south of Las Vegas and this time there will be several stops in the medical and university districts. Not just The Boring Company Las Vegas not only wants to serve tourists to the busiest parts of Vegas, but it also wants to create a legitimate public transportation system that you can enjoy.

    Whether you are just visiting the city or actually live there for the city that never sleeps with such an extensive tunnel system. Can go a long way in getting people where they need to be in minutes and is certainly a great deal for company, boring tunnels are still looked down upon with some believing they are going nowhere But this new proposal steps up a system a bit.

    If it’s approved and they’re able to get it done gracefully, it’ll be on par with most established subway systems in cities with decent populations, but the company isn’t taking it on without significant risk. It takes up too much of your life and it’s awesome, even though traffic is such a big problem that it’s replaced with a 3D network of tunnels, which comes with a higher level of risk.

    The boring tunnel network is still getting a ton of criticism for being a gimmicky alternative to a transportation problem, so what if they approve the expansion proposal to begin and it’s not going anywhere if so If this happens, the company is going to suffer huge losses. Remember that the company is not being paid by the government or anyone else for its tunneling network.

    Hotels and casinos have to pay for their own loop stations, but everything else is paid for by the company and they can still make a profit by operating the tunnels when they are ready and collecting fees from passengers. By doing this you can imagine how much risk they are taking if everything goes south, however the current convention center loop proves that it is possible to make something significant out of a boring company.

    The system still relies heavily on manually driven Tesla SUVs as it is still very small scale, this works fine for the company but how many drivers will need to be employed or if the tunnel system expands So they will have to use whatever cars they want if or when they succeed in their plans making it almost impossible to go smoothly.

    If there are a lot of cars going in and out of their tunnels remember that these tunnels are relatively small spaces and if they keep using cars they probably won’t be able to move people as fast as they’d like or are not capable. To provide cost efficiency they promised that yes a tesla suv can seat up to four people comfortably but would you like to be cramped in a cab with three to four other people it might work with subway systems but of course The system will not fly along the tunnel.

    They are proposing any vehicle used in the tunnel, not just a fake one, would need to come up with one. Self-driving features but it would need to be at least three to four times larger than the vehicles currently in use to move people comfortably and quickly, Tesla is expected to build some sort of RoboVan Which works and probably designed it. It works better with a tunnel system. But Las Vegas isn’t the only city with a challenge to worry about.

    It’s just a matter of figuring out how you build tunnels, quickly and at low cost and with high safety, if tunneling technology can be improved to the point where you can build increasingly cheap and safe tunnels. Can And The Boring Company is currently hard at work building out that technology at their Bash Drop Test Facility in Texas, developing new equipment that will help them dig these tunnels faster.

    They already have some major projects underway, such as the development of version 2 of their proof rock channel boring machine, with version 2 set to be unveiled for the first time in 2021, while ensuring no damage to existing infrastructure Has not happened and is still being tested. site prior to its acquisition. Another prototype proof Rock 3 for Las Vegas has been spotted there and will undergo similar tests as version one.

    So far testing of version 2 is going well and has successfully completed two tunnel projects in Bastrop and this is where it meets the impressive 5. The second tunnel was dug in 33 days, which means it is now working four times faster than the first. The tunnel was dug in 132 days, if Proof Rock 2 is already moving so fast then it will be interesting to see how fast Proof Rock works.

    We will see the new prototype digging up to 7 miles per day and greatly speeding up the tunneling process, right now Proof Rock 2 takes over 300 days to dig a one mile tunnel and you can already guess that How long will it take The company is serious about building a functional tunnel network with each tunnel at least 500 feet long and a highway before emerging at another facility owned by Elon Musk on the other side of the road.

    This other facility is a warehouse and it can be used for anything related to spacex satellites it looks better than other buildings that a boring company uses for their projects but for now we will talk about the building That’s all we know, so the current tunnels are going to actually lie, not really. The first tunnel has already been converted into a full-scale Hyperloop test track.

    They’ve already added two big fancy sliding doors at either end of the tunnel and even a Hyperloop logo on the door of things SpaceX is keeping all the details of their Hyperloop testing a secret for now.

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