Elon Musk and Jared Kushner are seen together during the World Cup final in Qatar on Sunday. The new Twitter CEO and former Trump White House adviser were seen sitting next to each other at the 2022 World Cup final between France and Argentina in the city of Lusail in Qatar.
Argentina won the match on penalty kicks after a 3–3 draw. The match was the final match in which Lionel Messi, widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, would represent Argentina as well as play in his first World Cup victory.
Elon Musk live-tweeted during the match, regularly posting when either team scored a goal. Musk said on Twitter that users were posting 24,000 tweets per second when France scored their third goal. He claimed that this is the biggest amount ever for a World Cup.
Twitter announced on Sunday that it will now ban “free promotion of certain social media platforms” on the app. The company said in its announcement that posting links or usernames on Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribal, Nostra and posts is now prohibited.
Jordan Hart of Insider Business reported that Musk appeared to indirectly answer Dorsey’s question in a reply to a user on Sunday afternoon. You are free to speak, but you must pay to advertise. Seems reasonable to me, wrote the user. Elon Musk gave the perfect answer.
This follows the suspension of several journalists covering Elon Musk and the account tracking the location of his private jet.