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Elon Musk addresses Twitter staff in his first interaction since the acquisition bid

    In this was the first conversation the Tesla CEO has with employees since he announced the 44 takeover bid in April, the virtual address included a special question-and-answer session with employees ranging from free speech to potential layoffs to space aliens. Musk spoke on various issues during the session.

    While the Tesla chief didn’t give an update on his $44 billion deal with employees, which he has cast into doubt in recent weeks, he, who claims to be a free speech person, told employees that people don’t need micro-services. One should be allowed to say anything on blogging.

    Asked about potential layoffs, Musk said Twitter needed to recover and some rationalization of headcount and expenses, adding that any layoffs would be considered with a performance bar based on performance as the key. When dismissing the idea of ​​work being the parameter meant to be.

    Should I Am Home for All that only outstanding contributors should be allowed to work remotely and that privilege should not be given to everyone, Kasturi also said that he would be following his acquisition to at least one billion people on Twitter. Would like to keep as active users and if so.

    This will be a massive development for the platform which currently has around 229 million people supporting the idea of ​​advertising and subscriptions as ways to make money on Twitter during question and answer sessions, saying that while advertising is entertaining- Must be valid as Elonwell.

    Joe, who is also the CEO of rocket company SpaceX, bought up on the highly debated topic of the existence of aliens and other space civilizations during a question-and-answer session, saying he had not yet seen real evidence of aliens.

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