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Elon Musk Just Revealed Horrifying Power This Will Destroy Russia

    Horrifying Power

    Horrifying Power, Elon Musk just unveiled a new awesome superpower that will change everything.A real terrifying and terrifying superpower in the hands of Elon Musk would change everything.

    This superpower will protect the climate from any more harm than mankind.Will turn it into green earth again. Wonderful because it is something that the whole world needs right now.

    What Exactly Is Elon Musk’s Superpower?

    Tesla is increasingly at the forefront of the effort. The world transitions to renewable energy as fast as the world moves away from fossil fuels.And the better towards a zero-emissions future, according to Elon.

    Elon Musk, the company’s founder and CEO, warned environmentalists by advocating for bitcoin and the annual carbon emissions of eco-friendly appliances and automobiles in early 2021.who were compared to a small nation to a small nation.

    Which location has Elon Musk revealed?

    Profits from the energy storage company will one day equal or exceed the car and truck production mega pack in 2022.That has helped Tesla’s Department of Energy accelerate storage deployment.Which has rapidly established itself as the leading battery technology for large-scale energy storage systems.

    This has resulted in FAM having a huge order backlog. Tesla had until now kept the project a secret.But Elon Musk has officially revealed the location of the company’s new energy storage facility.

    Where is the new energy storage located?

    Which is in Angel Austin Texas, south of Houston, is one of the largest Teslas in the world.An energy storage solution was presented by Tesla and Engels in Texas to offer grid backup support.

    The resulting 81 Tesla Mega Packs were installed that offered outage protection and mitigation.The community’s reliance on fossil fuel Elon Musk has already revealed Tesla will put the energy business on the back burner to focus on fueling its electric car manufacturing in 2022.

    What did Elon Musk say?

    Elon Musk predicted that solar and storage manufacturing would increase this year.Their basic objective is to accelerate the development of sustainable energy and they are working hard to achieve that goal.So the solution to how Tesla intends to do this can be found in the all-new Mega Pack.

    The Tesla Mega Pack is a massive rechargeable lithium-ion battery that was announced.As a stationary energy storage solution for use in 2019 battery storage power plants, each mega pack can hold up to 3 megawatt-hours of power.

    What can Mega Pack be used for?

    Horrifying Power, The mega pack can be used for utility deployment to store energy generated by renewable energy sources that are not always there.Available grids such as solar and wind can use the energy that has been stored as needed prior to the introduction of the mega pack.

    Tesla employs its 200 kW Power Pack energy storage product to meet the demands of utility companies with large-scale storage needs.Peak Electricity Demand Tesla installed 300 megawatt-hours of power wall and power pack technologies in 2015 and 2016.That included 80 megawatt-hours of power packs at the Mira Low Mass Up station in Southern California.

    according to tesla

    Later that year Tesla installed power packs for the 129 megawatt-hour battery.
    Storage at Hornsdale Power Reserve in South Australia This was the world’s largest lithium-ion grid battery storage deployment.According to Tesla the Mega Packs are now made in Giga Nevada and come with a 15-year no-malfunction and energy retention guarantee, in addition to a 10- to 20-year performance guarantee.

    Tesla claims to provide the Mega Pack pre-assembled with the battery module. Directional Inverters A thermal management system and AC mains breaker and control for an additional charge Mega Pack thermal management system is located at the top of each unit.

    Keeps the battery at working temperature by using a coolant fluid made from a similar mixture of ethylene glycol and water due to the falling cost of lithium-ion battery technology, making large-scale battery storage systems such as mega-packs more economical for utility companies. are becoming viable.Solar and wind power sources in many countries are more intermittent than coal natural gas or nuclear power which explains the oscillations.

    Easy Points:-
        • Demand megapacks are primarily designed to provide backup power while reducing reliance on fossil fuels as electrical energy can be stored to meet peak demand.
        • Tesla’s Mega Pack batteries meanwhile are ready to store sustainable energy that can be used at any time as a result of which it may appear.
        • Tesla Mega Packs on the other hand can assist any natural territorial state or local government anywhere in the world, to be a massive exaggeration.
        • On the other hand the company’s second quarter earnings call in 2021 in storing and reliably distributing clean and renewable energy says that the mega pack has sold out.

    Have a nice day!!⭐❤️

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