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Elon Musk & Scientists INSANE NEW Discovery on Proxima B Changes Everything!

    The universe is a big mystery and we’ve been uncovering a variety of planets ever since we launched telescopes powerful enough to detect them in space, one such interesting planet being Proxima b, specifically working with NASA. Scientists have spent a significant amount of time researching it.

    They Find Out About This Fascinating Planet Is There Life on It Join us today in this video as we explore new mysteries of Proxima b an exoplanet is any planet beyond our solar system one of the most interesting exoplanets .

    Proxima b was the discovery of this planet less than six years ago. Astronomers have discovered a large and growing number of Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting distant stars in recent years, some of their own since then. are in the habitable zones of the stars.

    Where temperatures may enable liquid water to exist on their surfaces, although astronomers were particularly pleased since Proxima Centauri b orbited the Sun, the closest star to our Solar System, why Ely 4.2 light-years away Why the new planet Proxima b was renamed.

    In the standard planet naming convention used by planet-finding astronomers, the newly discovered planet is named after the star, followed by a lowercase letter starting with b for the first planet discovered and c for the next discovered. Gaya is assigned to the star on the planet and similarly the alphabet itself.

    This arrangement may be puzzling because the order of letters refers to their order of discovery and not their distance from their parent star Guiem angalde escude and a team of astronomers from the pale red Dot expedition discovered Proxima b, its existence by ESO. The 3.6 m telescope’s high-accuracy radial velocity spectrograph of the Planet Finder or HARP was verified using Doppler spectroscopy or a process known as the radial velocity method.

    Which was the first technique used to discover the existence of extra-solar planetary systems. Solar-type stars were Doppler spectroscopy. Radial velocity scans discovered a plethora of Sun-type planets. This approach involves monitoring the spectra of stars as the star moves closer and farther from Earth. Is.

    Calculate the planet’s mass Astronomers obtained a minimum mass estimate of 1.24 Earth masses and a maximum mass estimate of 2.06 Earth masses for Proxima b Walsh Kane, a scientist who used pulsar timing to fund the first widely accepted funding of extrasolar planets Used to create periodic fluctuations in pulse arrival.

    The time was used to discover the mass of Earth and even minor planets orbiting a pulsar, a second astronomy to periodic wobbles caused by a planet in the place of its parent star. was employed to search.

    The least observable planet’s mass decreases as the planet’s distance from the star eventually increases. Photometry quantifies the periodic dimming of the star produced by a planet passing in front of the observer’s line of sight, although these methods are still used. is used to.

    They clearly fall short against the supremacy of Doppler’s spectrometry method, which, having a mass of 1.17 Earth masses, Proxima Centauri b is quite comparable in size to our Earth’s year-long orbit. The Sun revolves around its star in just 11.2 days.

    Which means that Proxima Centauri b is much closer to its star than Earth, because this star is a red dwarf that is much smaller and cooler than our Sun, its orbit comes within Proxima.

    The habitable zone of Centauri Surprisingly, Proxima Centauri b receives almost the same amount of solar radiation from its star.

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